Join me for the Bigger Game Workshop

The Bigger Game is an innovative model that helps individuals, teams, and organizations create meaning, conviction, courage and growth in service of achieving desirable goals and dreams.

Think of The Bigger Game as a board game—you’re always somewhere on The Bigger Game board. When you know where you are in the game board, you know where to put your attention next.

Playing The Bigger Game keeps you on track with what you want your life to be about, and it moves you forward with creating the life you want!

GWW Women

The Format

There are nine (9) components of the Bigger Game board: Comfort Zones, Hunger, Compelling Purpose, Assess, Bold Action, GULP, Sustainability, Allies and Investment.

These elements will be explored through a variety of interactive media.

What to expect at the Workshop

By the completion of the workshop, you will:

  1. Have a basic understanding of the interplay of The Bigger Game.
  2. Identify where you are in your game and where you want to go.
  3. Begin to understand how the Bigger Game board is a tool for increasing your innovation, creativity, and success.
  4. Begin to explore your personal Hunger.
  5. Declare one BOLD ACTION that is “not business as usual

Next Workshop TBA

Workshop led by Pat Obuchowski

Credentialed Leadership Coach and
Author of Gutsy Women Win: How to Get Gutsy and Get Going

This workshop will be video recorded for promotional purposes. You will be asked to sign an agreement to be included.