Finding Your Allies
What I’ve learned about finding allies to help you along the way of playing your bigger games is that some are here already, like family and friends, but for most, it is best to strategically select your networks and allies for your specific game.
The great thing about finding allies is that you already have a network where you can either find an ally, or ask if they know someone else they could introduce you to that might be an ally.
It’s the two or three degrees of separation that can help you find the allies you need to impact and influence the changes you are seeking to make. It is surprising how allies will show up once you begin to talk about your bigger game.
It is amazing, when you think of it, how we are all connected in some way, and that technology and social media have helped aid those connections. A simple post asking for a specific thing can bring many of these allies into your life. It is so much easier to connect and be a part of change than it ever has been.
“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” - Oprah Winfrey
Watch for the synchronicity to happen as you begin to speak about your game.
Be aware that allies are all around you. You will find them in the most unlikely places. I have found allies at networking events, sitting in a coffee shop, talking to a person at a restaurant. All of a sudden you find connections and begin talking about your bigger game with such enthusiasm and conviction that others will want to join you and become allies.
Just find the common ground and discover what makes them hungry. What is the compelling purpose they are yearning to live? You will be amazed how you find your other game players. This is all about us helping each other find something greater than ourselves. We know we are all in this thing called life together.
I am a firm believer that every single person wants to make a difference in the world. They just don’t know how. Maybe, just maybe, you are the person to show them how. You just may be the person someone else is waiting for to show them a bigger game.
The above is an excerpt from my best-selling book Gutsy Women Win: How to Get Gutsy and Get Going
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