Five Tips to Create More ‘A-Ha’ Moments
“Eureka! - I have found it!” - ArchimedesI don’t know about you, but I really love those “Eureka!” moments. I love the rush and the hit of dopamine I get when I realize I have just brilliantly solved a problem, or imagined something very creative, or found the answer to a question that I’ve been noodling and loosing sleep over.
It’s these moments of insight that I’ve always wanted to understand and now I do…at least a little bit better.

Insight is a very differe…
Stop. Sit. Listen.
I’ve been reflecting lately on how good people become great. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela comes to mind when I think of this.
How does a man spend 27 years in prison, put there by an oppressor, and come out of that experience with a heart that is willing to forgive and embrace? “I hated oppression and I feel angry when I think of oppression. The brain always dominates our emotions. I thought you have a limited time to stay on earth, you must try to use it for the purpose of transforming your co…
How does a man spend 27 years in prison, put there by an oppressor, and come out of that experience with a heart that is willing to forgive and embrace? “I hated oppression and I feel angry when I think of oppression. The brain always dominates our emotions. I thought you have a limited time to stay on earth, you must try to use it for the purpose of transforming your co…
What the World Needs Now You Can Give It
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ~Plato

I've been telling a lot of people lately that I think we as a society currently lack basic human kindness toward each other. It seems we were a lot kinder to each other a mere six months ago. I think our full, busy and stressful lives have been a big contributor to our lack of kindness. Not to mention the impact due to our current political environment, regardless of where you stand.
We just don’t have time…
No One Said Being Authentic is Easy
“How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people." - Edward F. Benson
To be authentic is defined by to be trustworthy, honest, genuine, real. It is a particular way of dealing with the external world, while being faithful to our internal selves and our ideas rather than external influences and ideas.
The word originated in the early 1300’s from the Latin autheniticus meaning “one who does things him(her)self”.
…How to Fail Fabulously
"Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from." - Al Franken
Fail Fabulously. I first heard this term when I was attending my first coach-training workshop. I disliked it from the moment I heard it. What was fabulous about failing? Failing was failing. When I failed at something I tried I was embarrassed, humiliated at times, and…The Secret of Why I Wrote the Book or How to Make Your Dream a Reality
Since my book, Gutsy Women Win, has been published, I have had many people ask me “Why did you write a book?” They never asked me why I wrote this specific book, or why I wrote on this specific topic. No. They were yearning to know my why, my deeper vision and what was strong enough to keep me looking forward through a long and sometimes very tedious process.
I think in my answer they are hoping to find their own answer to writing their own book that they’ve been dreaming of writing.
Here’s m…
I think in my answer they are hoping to find their own answer to writing their own book that they’ve been dreaming of writing.
Here’s m…
Five Tips to Create More ‘A-Ha’ Moments
“Eureka! - I have found it!” - Archimedes
I don’t know about you, but I really love those “Eureka!” moments. I love the rush that I get when I realize I have just brilliantly solved a problem, or come up with something very creative, or found the answer to a question that I’ve been noodling.
It’s these moments of insight that I’ve always wanted to understand and now I do…at least a little bit better.