Thankfully Unplug


“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” - Voltaire

Last holiday season was not what we are used to. No holiday parties each night for several weeks, no large friends and family gatherings, no in-person festive celebrations. But this year promises to be different, and I want to revel in that excitement and be more grateful than ever for the things I took for granted pre-pandemic.

This holiday season, I want to lead with appreciation, enjoy every moment and unplug.

We are now in the time of the year where we think of everything we are grateful for. And think of those things uninterrupted. 

An article published in Forbes, listed eight great reasons to unplug weekly, which I will apply to the important holidays this season. I look forward to three of the benefits in particular: 

  • It will improve your relationships. (I definitely want to continue strengthening the important ones after so much time apart.)
  • It will improve your health. (Better sleep, better focus, increased happiness, oh my! You know how I love self-care.)
  • It will make you a better person. (“[it] gives you the space and time to develop character strengths like gratitude, empathy and perspective. And like I was saying, it’s the best time to reconnect with your gratitude.)

I wrote last year (at length) about the importance of gratitude, so check that out, but I’ll sum it up to say: Your gratitude is contagious. You can spread gratitude in the world. We can all use a little more of that.

So this holiday, however you celebrate, turn off the screens and really appreciate and connect with one another again, because that is what makes it all worth it. 

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault


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