
Feel the ‘GULP’ and do it anyway

"A man who says he has never been scared is either lying or else he's never been any place or done anything." - Louis L'Amour 

Think of a time in your life when you were just about to take a big leap forward by doing something you had never done before. What did that feel like? Perhaps you felt anxious. Perhaps your heart was racing, palms sweating. Perhaps your breathing was shallow and you were nervous and shaking. Perhaps you wished you were any other place than where you were at that moment…

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Four Ways to Stop Feeling Anxious about Anxiety


"The way you tell your story to yourself matters." -- Amy Cuddy

Anxiety. Certain situations always bring up a feeling of anxiety. For me, these include stepping in front of a room for a presentation, beginning work with a new client, and driving in an unfamiliar place, although GPS has helped to alleviate this anxiety a great deal.

It is a stressful time. We are anxious as we continue to face this unprecedented and unknown situation. We are also attempting to plan for an unknown future. In…

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5 Tips to Eliminate Being Tired but Wired at Bedtime


“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?” ― Ernest Hemingway

I don’t know about you, but the impact of the pandemic has made a mess of my sleep patterns. Stress and anxiety made it difficult for me to fall asleep and stay asleep. 

I was not being productive during the day and felt like a walking zombie, and with all the Zooming I’m doing I sometimes feel like a sitting Zoombie. 

I decided to do a bit of research on how to improve my sleep during thes…

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Finding Grace in This Free-Fall


And The People Stayed Home
by Kitty O’Meara

And the people stayed home.
And read books, and listened, and rested,
and exercised, and made art, and played games,
and learned new ways of being, and were still.
And listened more deeply.
Some meditated, some prayed, some danced.
Some met their shadows.
And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed.
And, in the absence of people living in ignorant,
dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways,
the earth began to heal.

And when the d…

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How to Transition Through Crisis


“What we call the beginning is often the end and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” - T.S. Eliot

The Chinese character for ‘crisis’ consists of two parts: one signifies danger and the other opportunity. This is the nature of change; we respond to both aspects, danger and opportunity. There is opportunity in danger and danger in opportunity. 

The path through transitions, whether it is our choice or it occurs due to outside forces such as our current Pan…

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How to Get Back in Whack


“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” – Albert Camus

Feeling out of whack lately? No wonder. Our lives, as we used to know them, are not working properly because our life’s natural balance and order (or what we had of balance and order) has been upset, turned over, and feels like constant chaos. 

Spending the last month sheltering in place has been a pretty nonproductive time for a lot of individuals who, like me, had visions of accomplishing so much more …

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How the Pandemic Helped Me Reconnect


My life is about work. Always has been and always will be until I can’t any longer. Work to me has brought me challenges, accomplishments and creativity. Several years ago because of a major IT project I was working on, I had to let go of the idea I could do it all and hired a housekeeper.

Abiding by the stay safe at home directive in California, I did not want to compromise the health of someone else if I was asymptomatic and vice versa. I asked the housekeeper not to come back until this life…

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The House of Belonging


Photo and poem by David Whyte

Out here in California this week is our third week of the state’s ’stay at home’ directive. I am finally finding a bit of structure in my day to day activities. My work has been impacted and postponed for several months so I now have time for taking better care of me. My last blog “What You Mutter Matter,” was about the impact of words and how one word can change your feelings and reactions.

Today I want to offer a poem. I’ve been selecting a different poem every …

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What You Mutter Matters


One of my coaches always reminds me, “What you mutter matters.” As an author who aspired to be a journalist, I know the power and impact of words. I understand how words can have a great impact on us. They can either make us feel helpless or make us feel in control.

Here are a few words right now, during this Coronavirus pandemic, that are having a big impact on me:

Lockdown vs. Stay at Home or even Shelter in Place
Stay at Home and Shelter in Place are phrases that are being used interchangea…

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How to Lift Yourself Out of a Downward Spiral - COVID-19 Update


“Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality."  ~Ralph Marston

With our world swirling causing us to do the same, I thought we could use a reminder of some tips on how to lift ourselves out of a downward spiral and publish this blog again.

Several years ago, I did some post-graduate work on the neuroscience of leadership. While on this journ…

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