
Changing for the Sake of My Leadership



I always took great pride in my ability to accomplish a lot. I was one of the fastest “Check it off, it’s done” people I knew. During a leadership program I attended, I pulled aside the leader and told her, “I am getting impatient with all these people. They seem to take forever to come to a decision and want to just talk on and on and on.” She looked at me and smiled. “Pat, I know that you are capable of accomplishing a lot. I’ve seen it. The place I think you need to look now for the sake o…

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Back to the Basics of Leadership


"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

~John Quincy Adams

Autocratic, Bureaucratic, Charismatic, Democratic...are only a few leadership styles. They all have pros and cons and can be effective in different situations.

There is no one "right" way to lead. Different leadership styles are needed for different situations. 

I've been a big believer for a long time in what is called Transformational and Situational Leadership. This le…

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How HIIT helped my workout and my work


I’ve been working with a physical trainer on and off for several months. Charity helps me focus on the proper form and provides me with a structured exercise plan that I can challenge myself with by increasing weight or repetitions. She was the one that really shook up my routine by introducing me to Tabata training or High-Intensity Interval Training, HIIT.

HIIT training was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and S…

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Set Your Intention, then Find a Structure to Remember It


I have always been great at testing. There was something about the preparation and pressure of tests that got my adrenaline pumping and allowed me to attack them with complete focus and attention. I knew my stuff!  

When I put the stake in the ground to start my own coaching business and give it two years to turn a profit, I got trained in this field. I attended a six-month coach training school. In order to be certified, I had to participate in a full day of examinations. These included a writ…

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7 Ways to Get Over Your Impostor Syndrome


Many of my clients feel the Imposter Syndrome and this recent Thrive Global (to which I’m a contributor) has some great ways to stop letting feelings of self-doubt prevent you from reaching your potential.

What can start as a quiet, nagging voice in the back of your head telling you-you’re not qualified for a job or task can quickly evolve into paralyzing self-doubt and the fear that you’ll be “found out.” Welcome to impostor syndrome — an affliction that’s more common than you may think.

If y…

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How I Stopped Stressing Myself with a Little Help from My Friends

I’m stressing myself out! Someone tell me to stop it!

Last week I was putting a lot of stress on myself as I was preparing the day before for a webinar I was leading where the technology was new, the content needed updating and I had to practice a 45-minute delivery. When I prepare to present to others, my usually quiet and sometimes easily controlled perfectionist comes screaming out in my head at 194 decibels (the point at which sound waves become shock waves) and I simply can’t shut her up.

I couldn’t take it any longer so I clicked open Facebo…

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The Three Most Impactful Coaching Skills for Leaders



"The problem with the illusion that it has been accomplished."

~George Bernard Shaw

I have been in the business of coaching for almost 17 years and whenever anyone asks me, what is the number one thing you coach on, I tell them regardless of the reason I’m hired, it frequently comes down to how to communicate with others. 

This includes not only what’s being said and how it’s being said, but also (and sometimes more importantly), what is not being said. 

Communication is …

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Feel the Fear and Take a Bold Action Anyway

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“I choose bold. I choose action. I choose what's right for the people. I choose to make a difference.”     - Bill Richardson

Most of you are aware by now that I work with a change and innovation model called The Bigger Game.  I even wrote a book about it. 

The word “Game” just means what we are up to in life.

The model is simple, but a very powerful one. It changed my life and I’ve witnessed it changing other lives. I’ve even presented this model to a group of scientists and technologists who…

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What I’m Giving Up for Success

“Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live.”

-- Anne Sweeney

I recently joined a new mastermind group and they’ve been stretching me to seriously evaluate what the next steps are that I must take to up my game in both my professional and personal life.

I’ve always believed it is critical to define success for myself. What has taken me longer to realize is that deciding what I’m willing to give up for success is …

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It’s a Rewrite

A few months back on The Tonight Show with Stephen Colbert, Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the Broadway musical Hamilton that won 11 Emmys, was talking about how he was bringing the musical to Puerto Rico, where his parents are from, for three weeks and donating all the money to arts organizations in Puerto Rico. 

At that time, it had been over two years since he stepped away from being a performer in the play. Colbert asked him how long rehearsals would last. …

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