
Emotions Running Strong? Start with the STATE Principle.

"In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess I have always found it a wholesome diet." ~Winston Churchill
Have you been involved in any of these conversations or ones like these lately?
  • Talking to a colleague about a sensitive issue;
  • Giving your boss some feedback about her behavior;
  • Ending a relationship;
  • Talking with a rebellious teenager;
  • Confronting a loved one about an issue;
  • Asking a friend to stop a certain behavior.
Many years ago I …

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Enrolling Others in Your Vision…They May be Waiting for You

“The greatest need of human beings is for a sense of meaning and purpose in life.” - Victor Frankel
One of the most valuable lessons I am learning in life is that I don’t need to do it alone. ‘It’ can be defined as almost anything I do, including developing a new program for one of my clients, running my business, needing help in repairing something and even walking my dog. What’s freeing about this is it saves me time and energy, I get a better end result because of the shared ideas and, m…

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Ready to Play Bigger? Gotta Go for the GULP.

When you are thinking about taking a risk to change something in your life, you know you are in the GULP zone when you take a look at the step or leap you are considering, and you get a little bit afraid, or maybe a lot, that’s going for the GULP.

When you take a look at what it is you want to do, it feels “GULP-y.” You start asking yourself, “Who am I to think I can do this?” And then you answer with such protests as “I’m too old; I’m too young; I don’t speak in public very w…

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Nine Tips To Get Yourself Out Of A Downward Spiral

Several years ago, I did some postgraduate work in the neuroscience of leadership. While on this journey, I became more and more in awe of our brain and its workings. This mere three-pound organ has over 100 billion nerve cells that each makes thousands of connections. And as more brain research becomes possible as  technology progresses, we're finding that there's much more complexity in how we as humans operate.

Throughout this work, I learned about regulating our emotions a…

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What’s on Your 'Not-To-Do' List?

I got up this morning and realized I had a lot of work today in preparation for a few key engagements where I needed total focus. I knew the four things on my “To Do” list that I clearly had to focus on to make these deadlines with some breathing room to spare.

What I wasn’t very clear about was what needed to be on my 'Not-To-Do' list.

I never thought about the importance of having this type of list, but someone introduced me to this concept just a few weeks ago.

The 'Not-To-Do' list are thos…

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What Will Your Leadership Legacy Be?

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." ~Nelson Henderson

The legacy you leave is the life you lead.

Legacy, as defined by, is something that is handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor. When you live your life, you leave behind a trail of footprints. Some of those footprints will fade quickly as do footprints in sand and others will endure as a lasting legacy of how you helped to create a different world. Now is the time …

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Six Reflections on Reflecting

"Only when the clamor of the outside world is silenced will you be able to hear the deeper vibration. Listen carefully." ~Sarah Ban Breathnach
Reflection Mtn by Andrela

These past few months are a blur. I spent way too much time doing many, many thing and not enough time reflecting on what I did to see if it was really worthwhile doing it at all. I was not living my life with intention. I was not asking myself if these were the right things I needed to be doing. I did not do what I advise …

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Who is Accountable for Accountability?

“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." Moliere

“Accountability” seems to be the buzzword lately. This has been coming up a quite bit over the past year, but it seems to be more predominant now than ever before.

I remember working in companies when the question, “Who is accountable for this work?” would bring up fear when the boss asked this question. We knew that he was looking for one individual to blame. It was viewed as negative and we wer…

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One Way Getting Gutsy Changed My Life

Have you ever had someone say something to you that shook your world and made you feel totally worthless?  I have and here’s what I did about it.

One year out of college I was working in business at an international company. It was January, the dreaded “Personnel Management Performance Review” time. I walked into my boss, Pete’s office, and sat at the round table where we usually did work. He got up from behind his desk, walked over to the table and sat directly across from me. He seemed hes…

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It Can’t Be All About You if You Want to Make a Difference

In my leadership coaching business, I discuss in depth with my clients the importance of “servant” leadership. This phrase was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf, who was the founder of the modern Servant Leadership movement and the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. In 1970, he published his first essay, entitled “The Servant as Leader,” which first introduced the term “servant leadership.”

“The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to…

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