
Sawa Bona. I See You.

Google image (source unknown)

I traveled to London a few years ago to participate in a three-day workshop called “The Bigger Game.” I didn’t have any great revelations during that weekend, nor did I see a clear path for what I was to do and who I was becoming. But, it did give me some juicy material to think over and reflect on. And I knew something had shifted in the way I thought about myself, those in my life, and even humanity at large. I also knew something had shifted in the way I wan…

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The ABC's of being a better human

Antique Alphabet by Plaisanter (

I just returned from a long holiday and I notice how everything has slowed down. Is it this way for you too, or is it just me? As I thought about what topic I wanted to write about to hopefully enlighten you, and me of course, I looked around my office and saw exactly what I needed to inspire me.

Several years ago a friend gave me a plaque with the "ABC's of Life".  As I read this again, it reminded me of a few things I have neglected this year tha…

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Stop. Sit. Listen.

I’ve been reflecting lately on how good people become great. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela comes to mind when I think of this.

How does a man spend 27 years in prison, put there by an oppressor, and come out of that experience with a heart that is willing to forgive and embrace? “I hated oppression and I feel angry when I think of oppression. The brain always dominates our emotions. I thought you have a limited time to stay on earth, you must try to use it for the purpose of transforming your co…

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What the World Needs Now You Can Give It

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ~Plato

I've been telling a lot of people lately that I think we as a society currently lack basic human kindness toward each other. It seems we were a lot kinder to each other a mere six months ago. I think our full, busy and stressful lives have been a big contributor to our lack of kindness. Not to mention the impact due to our current political environment, regardless of where you stand.

We just don’t have time…

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No One Said Being Authentic is Easy

“How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself.  It is much easier to be honest with other people."     -  Edward F. Benson

To be authentic is defined by to be trustworthy, honest, genuine, real. It is a particular way of dealing with the external world, while being faithful to our internal selves and our ideas rather than external influences and ideas.

The word originated in the early 1300’s from the Latin autheniticus meaning “one who does things him(her)self”.

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How to Fail Fabulously

"Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from." - Al Franken

Fail Fabulously. I first heard this term when I was attending my first coach-training workshop. I disliked it from the moment I heard it. What was fabulous about failing? Failing was failing. When I failed at something I tried I was embarrassed, humiliated at times, and…

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Just Get the Cow

Dru Rivers is the co-owner of Full Belly Farms located in the beautiful Capay Valley of northern California

Since she attended U.C. Davis and majored in agriculture, she has played her bigger game by feeding her compelling purpose of having no chemical farming. “We are committed to fostering sustainability on all levels, from fertility in our soil and care for the environment, to stable employment for our farm workers. We strive to be good stewards of this farm, so that this generation and f…

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Treat Yourself to Some Time Away and Re-Treat

“Vacation is what you take when you can't take what you've been taking any longer.”

        - Unknown

Greetings from Hawaii! Seriously, I’m on a retreat in Hawaii.

Hawaii by Ed Lucas Source: Flickr Untouched

I watched a webcast the other day about stress and its impact on those living in the United States. I was surprised to hear that stress is the number one factor that contributes to our aging faster than normal.

Number one!

There was also a question that was presented that still has me thin…

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Feel the GULP and Do It Anyway

"A (wo)man who says (s)he has never been scared is either lying or else (s)he's never been any place or done anything." - Louis L'Amour

Think of a time in your life when you were just about to take a big leap forward by doing something you had never done before. You were just about to take a step you've never taken before and felt anxious or afraid. Perhaps your heart was racing, palms sweating. Perhaps you were breathing a bit shallow and were nervous and shaking a bit.

Roller Coaster by J…

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"When you can't see straight ahead, it's because you're about to turn a corner." - Myrtle Reed
Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from adversity. defines it as springing back; rebounding; returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched; recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant.

Rubberband Heart Rubberband Heart by Jen (prgringa54)

I imagine resiliency to be like a rubber band. It can stretch and stretch and when yo…

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